And the photo competition award goes to…

This August we organised a photo competition looking for the most creative ways on how our cluster members combine working in the lab and enjoying the summer. As the leaves will begin to fall soon, we are proud to announce our three winners and present their fantastic work.

Dr Sebastian Schmitt (Structural Immunology) termed his creation “The moment, when summertime starts contaminating your tissue culture work…” and probably most of us have experienced a short daydream about the last holiday forgetting the rest of the world. Let’s hope the cells like the Italian climate!

(S. Schmitt)

Dr Grethe Brügmann (Institute of Molecular Medicine) performs her experiments in the cold room to keep a cool head while sharpening her view using slightly different safety googles.

(G. Brügmann)

Finally, Dr Donald Guu (LIMES and Caesar Institutes) also prefers to stay at an air conditioned place applying special means for protection against the cold. Thus, he minimises his risk for sunburn and premature skin ageing.

(D. Guu)

We thank all participants a lot for their effort and congratulate the winners. Enjoy the ice cream which is combined with this award, it is well-deserved!


Author: Christian Sieg

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