Tag Archives: alzheimer’s

Neuroinflammation Summer School – a chance to network in a beautiful place

I am working in Prof. Michael Heneka’s lab in the DZNE Bonn, where I am currently doing a second postdoc. After finishing my PhD in a Nephrology lab in Germany, I decided to switch topics and went to the US for 3 years to learn about Alzheimer’s and other dementia research. Despite being in science for 9 years and attending multiple retreats and conferences, this … Continue reading Neuroinflammation Summer School – a chance to network in a beautiful place »

DZNE – Connecting the mental health of Rhineland people with basic research

The new DZNE building in Bonn Probably most of you know the huge new DNZE building at the south end of the UKB campus at the Venusberg in Bonn. Our group, headed by Annett Halle, moved to the DZNE, which is part of the Helmholtz Society, in January this year. At the latest, the official inauguration by the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in March and … Continue reading DZNE – Connecting the mental health of Rhineland people with basic research »

Alzheimer’s Disease Congress – Quality rather than quantity….

It was 4:00 in the morning and my alarm started to ring. I quickly woke up and looked at the watch, “Is it really 4 o’clock?” But no, my mobile hadn’t gone haywire… Alas! I stood up and got ready; I had to catch a flight at 7:15. I made it to the airport in time, where I met my colleague Stella. That’s how our … Continue reading Alzheimer’s Disease Congress – Quality rather than quantity…. »

Science by the sea

This October, I had the opportunity to attend the first Neuroinflammation Summer School, which was held in association with the Venusberg Meeting on Neuroinflammation and took place in Spain. The School was organized by Prof. Michael Heneka and featured many prominent academics that specialize in various aspects of neurodegenerative disorders and inflammation within the central nervous system. It was quite a journey to reach the … Continue reading Science by the sea »

Now on stage: NLRP3 and the molecular mechanisms behind atherosclerosis

The blog goes multimedia: with their film “What is NLRP3 and why do we care?” four PhD students from the Institute of Innate Immunity (Bonn) feature what their research is about. The research group around Prof. Eicke Latz wants to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms behind diseases like atherosclerosis, gout or Alzheimer´s disease. In all of these diseases the protein NLRP3 (NACHT, LRR and … Continue reading Now on stage: NLRP3 and the molecular mechanisms behind atherosclerosis »

The Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Toronto – putting own research in a broader context

In the recent article by Christine Schuy, you have already heard that studying microglia, the brain resident immune cells, is very interdisciplinary. It can therefore be challenging to find conferences that exactly fit this topic, especially if one is looking for an even narrower topic: the role of microglia in Alzheimer’s disease. The Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2016 in Toronto is the major conference on … Continue reading The Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Toronto – putting own research in a broader context »

Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease

People with dementia start to forget and often show changes in their abilities and personality. Over time the failure of short-term memory gradually turns into confusion about time and place, which may turn to depression or even aggressive behavior in later stages. In principle, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an advanced stage of dementia that gets progressively worse over time. Alzheimer’s disease accounts for around 50-70% … Continue reading Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease »